Clark Shimeall
Registered Investment Advisor

Clark is a values-driven entrepreneur and explorer who has been investing since 2017 and was drawn to BMA by the firm’s creative, independent, and relational approach to wealth management. Modern life is oversaturated; in business and in all things, Clark strives to cultivate the clarity of values and focus necessary to find the cleanest throughline towards what is important. He is particularly interested in the coaching side of advising– helping clients define and grow wealth in a holistic way that serves their needs, the needs of their community, and the needs of the world at large.

Clark graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Geography from Portland State University. He co-founded and still co-directs the Pandion Institute, which uses tools from the outdoor recreation and guiding world to support Land-reconnection, cultural learning, and leadership development for Native youth from around the interior Pacific Northwest. He is also an outdoor athlete and documentary filmmaker who loves engaging with and telling important stories.